Create an entry from a relational field
in progress
Aurélien Georget
While you edit a blog post, you might associate it to a brand new category. Unfortunately, if the category doesn't exist, you have to save the post. Create the category. Then go back to the post to attach it the category. Until we release this functionality to create new entry on-the-fly on top of the relation fields.
Niklas Winkels
in progress
Thanks for sharing your feedback. The first iteration of this feature is slated for release by the end of March. That version will let you edit an existing relation from its related entry. In Q2, we’ll follow up with the second iteration, allowing you to create entirely new entries on the spot—no need to exit and come back. We appreciate your patience and look forward to rolling out these updates!
Niklas Winkels
in progress
Thanks for sharing your feedback. The first iteration of this feature is slated for release by the end of March. That version will let you edit an existing relation from its related entry. In Q2, we’ll follow up with the second iteration, allowing you to create entirely new entries on the spot—no need to exit and come back. We appreciate your patience and look forward to rolling out these updates!
Yannis Kadiri
Yannis Kadiri Any update on this one ?
Yannis Kadiri
Davomyan It's planned for the end of Q1/beginning of Q2
Melissa McEwen
Not having this feature is a deal breaker for me
Piet van Leeuwen
+1 I'd like this For a Page/Post relationship with a GlobalLink, I would consider using a Component but they can't have a uuid. Hmm.
Devon Helliwell
I agree, this would be an awesome feature!
That's an interresting feature, but there is a big issue with the locales : what if the relation does exist in the default language but not in the editing locale ? You don't want to create a brand new category not linked with the default language one...
One UX solution could be to view the default language categories as selectable, but once selected, you switch to a popin to specify the current non existing language for this category parent-key... That would be huge !
Gaurav Arora
Deal breaker for me as well, our simple app is becoming too messy without this simple UX thing
Yeah for sure!
This should be done. Every CMS has this feature already implemented
This would be the biggest improvment in my opinion. Please focus on this!
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