Q4, 2022 — Relations v2
Derrick Mehaffy
Released in v4.5.0: https://github.com/strapi/strapi/releases/tag/v4.5.0
Gustav Hansen (he/him)
Derrick Mehaffy Can we move this do done, please?
Derrick Mehaffy
We have merged the PR into main and expect to release this on Nov 9th. We have created a nightly release to allow for one more week of testing including all bug fixes we are aware of:
npx create-strapi-app@0.0.0-dbefddc2e46d538fb10481043a8aa4f5067b0c49 test-relations-v2
Gustav Hansen (he/him)
Quick update: we are currently beta-testing this feature. You can find instructions how to run it here: https://forum.strapi.io/t/relations-in-main-layout-beta-is-out/22785 Please help us to find bugs and report them in Github.
We are currently aiming for a stable release on the 9th of November.
Jorge Pizzati
What's progress looking like? Any release date estimates?
Derrick Mehaffy
Jorge Pizzati: You can follow the progress on our github, any PR prefixed with [Relations] is related to this improvement. As there are several I can't link to them all: https://github.com/strapi/strapi/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+%5Brelations%5D
Pablo Criado-Perez
Hi, any feedback on this release?
Derrick Mehaffy
Pablo Criado-Perez: You can follow the progress on our github, any PR prefixed with [Relations] is related to this improvement. As there are several I can't link to them all: https://github.com/strapi/strapi/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+%5Brelations%5D
Nicola G
Does this also include what is mentioned here?
This is kind of a blocker for me at the moment
Gustav Hansen (he/him)
Nicola G: No, this iteration focuses on the loading performance in the admin UI and doesn't change anything regarding population.
Derrick Mehaffy
Nicola G: Not quite, that will be another infinitive that our DX squad is evaluating in Q4 of this year, more details will be shared on that later.
ohhhh yeahhh!
Brocy Centeio
Derrick Mehaffy
in progress
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