Kurtis Rogers
Not complete
This request is not complete
Derrick Mehaffy
See the Config Sync Plugin: https://market.strapi.io/plugins/strapi-plugin-config-sync
Derrick Mehaffy: This covers configuration, but not actual content. It is not possible to migrate any actual content from within the collection type to another environment. From my point of view, this feature request is not completed.
Derrick Mehaffy
Nuernberger: Could you open a new request for Content migration instead just to make it a bit more clear :)
I don't want to confuse votes with those looking for just config and permissions sync with content as they are very different use-cases.
Derrick Mehaffy: I would be surprised if the ~700 voters here are just interested in only syncing a small part of data. I would propose to not close this request with an insufficient solution.
Derrick Mehaffy Great that there's a way to sync config now! However I also assumed this ticket was talking about content migration (to me data = content in this context). I would assume the majority of people voting for this issue would have the same interpretation so I agree with Nuernbergerr about opening this up again rather than creating a new ticket since until enough time has elapsed and the new ticket gets substantially up-voted again the fact that content syncing highly desired feature by the community would get buried.
Antoine Stc25
Derrick Mehaffy: Like said by Nuernberger and Cgare, it isn't indeed what I was expecting.
I believe it should be the oposite of what you are proposing; creating a new feature request called "Config migration plugin" and mark it as complete, so "Data migration Plugin" stays marked as incomplete. It would help reduce the initial confusion
Boaz Skater
Anybody looking for such a plugin, you could try out the one I wrote https://github.com/boazpoolman/strapi-plugin-config-sync
Emilie Ringwald
Thanks Boaz 🙌
The Strapi Market link for those who want it: https://market.strapi.io/plugins/strapi-plugin-config-sync