Aurélien Georget
It might happens that you're going to develop a website which includes a blog. It could be interesting to split the APIs into two different projets. However, it can be annoyed to deploy on two different servers for such a little API. That's why the multi-tenancy is interesting!
The multi-tenancy (or multi-projects) changes the architecture of an application to allow multiple projects in a single Strapi application. Each project is fully independent, you can use different databases, configurations, plugins, etc.
More details
Jakub Mirejovsky
So far, for reaching multi-tenancy for our SaaS, we use one pm2 instance per domain. The codebase is common. What we do is:
- have a script.sql, which would create a pre-defined database structure (and initial data) or connects to an existing database (you can dump an empty project sql and use that)
- rewrite server.js to use (create if needed) a database according to an environment variable passed by pm2 (we use variable PORT)
- start the server via pm2 with variable PORT
- nginx config sends traffic from to a corresponding proxy_pass at PORT.
Pros: you can maintain only one local codebase. JIT server creation. Code updates are super fast (git pull just once).
Cons: every instance has its overhead (~150MB in RAM). Can't scale it infinitely. Requires wildcard SSL certificate.
It's not a real multi-tenancy, but it does what's needed and it does that automatically. New instances are handled JIT by a script.
I can share our solution, if anyone is interested.
Alexandre Zeiller
Our agency have many small clients and the lack of multitenancy features THE thing that prevent us from using Strapi
Andrea Scarpello
Any update on this?
Manuel Caicedo
That's a great feature I would like to implement to my future projects. As a passionated software developer, my idea is create web apps that help people with several daily task. Thank you so much for making this feature a candidate to be part of this great headless cms.
Greatings from Colombia.
Daniel Doinitsin
Hi, any update on this ?
Christopher Chouputra
Any update on this?
Lucas Prins
Any updates on this?
Julien Habert
Long awaited feature !
Raúl Guadarrama
When is this new feature expected?
Jan R. Biasi
This would be great!
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